Let’s Get Serious!

I have watched and experienced the paranormal for near 50 years. It honestly pains me that not much more is known than was in 1970. Marsha and I have seen a solid apparition, have heard audible voices and sounds, and have witnessed objects propelled, so much of what we see today on TV is not impressive. I must first state I admire many of the investigation teams, but let’s be honest, most are motivated by a chance at being in the media, or at the adrenaline rush and thrills. Possibly even bragging rights. In the United Kingdom, there are 40 listed at Paranormal Societies.com. However in the United States, there are over 2000. There are a 1000 more scattered from Australia to Brazil. To what end? I personally have heard hundreds of EVP’s and have yet to hear any series of questions that I might ask if I could communicate with a spirit. In fact, some of the communication is absurd. Investigators must go after the answers in information that can force the paranormal forward. If I were a radio host and had a ghost for guest, the questions would go something like this.

1- Can you see me?

2- Are you limited to where you can travel, or are you bound to that location?

3- Is it light or dark where you are?

4- Are there others there with you?

5- If/so, Can you communicate with each other.

6- What is your name?

7- Can/do you feel emotion? Fear? Sadness? Hostility?

8- Is it hot or cold where you are?

9- Can I feed you energy?

10- Do you know you are dead?

11- How did you die?

12- What keeps you there?

13- How long have you been there?

14- Will you get to leave? Or. Do you want to?

15- Do you believe in God?

16- Is there a sense of time at all?

17- Can you read my mind or sense my intentions?

18- Can you manifest as a shadow? Why? Why not?

19- Can or have you ever appeared solid?

20- Are there beings with you or near you that not spirits? Demons?

21- Can I help you in any way?

            You will see this list that I did randomly without much thought and easily re-sequence it and add to it. In asking these questions, they would have to be verified by asking the same exact questions in the same exact sequence at another active location so answers could be compared, because far too many spirits will lie. By the way, if a spirit indicates it can freely move about, get the hell out of there for you do not a friend following you home! Wouldn’t it be a revelation if an investigator could simply answer a few of these. Try to bring something to the table that would expand our knowledge and understanding. Imagine hearing, “It is cold here. There is no time, I am bound. I can see others.” These are the EVP’s I would like to hear to have a better understanding of what we are dealing with. Just verifying that we can communicate has been done…..and done…..and done? It is time to get serious about accumulating real knowledge! I am old, so maybe there is a logic I don’t understand, but 3000 teams all asking the same light weight questions makes no sense that I can see.

Edwin F. Becker {2015}


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