Category Archives: BTWN Team

The YouTube Channel

Ok, this comment was left by an individual on Our YouTube Channel before:

“What thick people. How come nobody had the idea to film this on their mobile phones? everybody has a phone i refuse to believe they would not think to film it when these supposed events occurred. Destroys this story’s credibility totally.”  – The Enfield Poltergeist.

Errrm it was 1979? Dumbass probably thinks it happen last week! Yea, cause people back in the 70’s often filmed stuff on their mobile phones!
“What thick people…” you ask? Just look in the mirror, idiot!

– Maurice

Dead Crossroads


Watching a series called Dead Crossroads. It’s a low budget series but done well. I’m watching it on Amazon Streaming. It’s about these two guys that go around to all these abandoned sites around France to investigate. The absolute best part about this is, it’s all done by brick and ladder style. There is no big budget at all. If you like History and the Paranormal this show is for you. It’s done with an urban explorer state of mind with the creepiest stories behind each abandon place they get into. I highly recommend it.

– By BTWN Kurt

Psyched v2.0

Like my American Cousin has already stated in the first official blog on BTWN BlogTalk, I am pumped and psyched over our new addition to the BTWN family! I personally cannot wait to post my feelings towards the many, many Conspiracy Theories I want to sink my teeth into!! Awesome site, and I urge everyone and anyone to join in.


– By Steven ‘Hunter-Gatherer’ Foy {BTWN UK}


Psyched to read some total rants about the Paranormal or conspiracy theories. Whether your pissed off or absolutely want to get something off your chest this is the perfect spot for it. Voice your opinion this what this site was set up to do. Have some great stories post here have a brilliant idea post it here. Bored then hit with a brilliant idea post here. Don’t forget to watch our Sunday’s show.


– By Kurt Logsdon {BTWN USA}