Ouija Boards, Crystal Balls & The Clueless!

I am fortunate enough to meet many people from the paranormal world from all capacities. Beginning in 1970 as a skeptic and non-believer, to having the experiences detailed in my book ‘True Haunting’ changed my whole belief system. Further studies and associations with others gifted and knowledgeable expanded my acceptance of what might be encountered. Today, I almost believe we have gone backwards in our views. Understand that the paranormal and ghosts have existed for over 1000 years, yet I encounter people that only rely on technology that is unproven and in its infancy. I meet those that believe they can ‘order’ from the paranormal like they would Chinese food. Some say, Yes, I believe in Shadow people, no I don’t believe in Orbs, Yes, I believe in this ‘technical gizmo’ but no I don’t believe in Ouija boards. They will pick and choose what suits them and discount all other forms of possible evidence. I have seen conflict between investigation teams debunking each other, which I find ridiculous since their goals are the same.

I can only share what I know to be true and that which has touched my life or those close to me. Putting yourself in a vulnerable state of mind is dangerous. Spirits or worse, can and will take advantage. They are very opportunistic. When doing martial arts, I was warned by an exorcist not to participate in the level of meditation necessary to separate mind and body, which is used in situations of breaking objects. Yes, you can have ‘walk ins.’ It does not matter if it is a Ouija board or a teddy bear, if your intent is making a connection with the unknown. The only difference in a Ouija board is that you are inviting two-way communication. The mentality that one can control who they communicate with is laughable. If I were a warden and threw a cell phone into the prison yard and announced, “Whoever comes up with it…can use it.” Who do you think that might be? Well there is no difference in spirit communication. Create the opening and it will be the strongest spirit taking control….and they lie.

I do understand today’s skepticism. Hollywood alone has created expectations that are unrealistic. I have met more psychics, mediums and empaths to fill a stadium, yet when claiming they can communicate, why aren’t they asking the questions that would expand our knowledge of that dimension? Their answers could be compared and corroborated to possibly yield knowledge. I myself am old school. I rely on my senses. Having lived with various spirits I am conditioned to the signals your body will send. I have recommended a simple pulse/ox meter worn on one’s finger, because assuming you are a professional and do not have the adrenaline rush of a thrill seeker or newbe, your pulse with rise preparing your fight or flight instinct before you even can feel it. Your body will know whether something is there and begin an evaluation which will raise your pulse 10-20 beats even if the entity is benign. Investigators should know their job is difficult, because they are only looking for certain types of phenomena. They will never catch the flicker of a candle, or the movement in the drapes, much less the slight breeze from nowhere or the scent of something inappropriate to their surroundings. How do you prove that overwhelming feeling that you are being watched? Open your understanding and realize that you are severely limited on two counts. One, the evidence you expect to capture is a rather narrow spectrum. Two, the average time spent does not allow the spirits to build energy and go beyond subtle activity. Most of all, remember something that I find hypocritical. The stronger the evidence, the more likely it will be debunked. If you capture a solid apparition, it will not be frightening and appear as a normal person. If you capture a strong audible voice, good luck getting people to believe it. Happy hunting…..stay safe!

– Edwin F. Becker {edwinbecker.com}



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