About Us

Who Are Beyond The White Noise Paranormal?

We are a Paranormal Investigation group that consists of two teams – one team based in Liverpool, UK, and the other team based in Gaithersberg MD, USA. We carry out investigations at various sites, both in the UK & USA, we offer our personal opinion on your haunting experiences in an open-minded, professional approach and we study Historical cases (which there are many) and offer an open debate about them which we like to call, A Round-Table Discussion. We also offer helpful hints and tips on setting up your own investigations team and about any helpful equipment advice, like which is the best camera to use or which is the clearest audio recorder to rely on. We are always looking at the many new approaches and gadgets (such as, apps, laser grid devices, cameras and more) that are offering better opportunities to capture or gather that much-needed evidence into the Paranormal field.

Not The Only Thing We Investigate…

That’s right, the Paranormal is not our only interest. As you may or may not be aware, the Paranormal on many occasions crosses paths with Conspiracy Theories. There are many examples of this, like UFO’s, Aliens, Secret Societies and their Satanic rituals and things like Bigfoot or Sasquatch (the Native American Indian term). This has led to us dealing with Conspiracies head on, like we do with the Paranormal. We have a valuable group of people who research and investigate every little detail of any case. One team member, in particular, is the sole Conspiracy ‘hunter-gather’ as we like to call him, which you can see from his Profile Bio below!

Meet The Team…

Kurt Logsdon {BTWN USA}

364141_6Ve3Lrsg [www.imagesplitter.net]Kurt is our Team Leader over in the US, based in Gaithersberg, MD. Interests in the Paranormal, Crypto-zoology & Conspiracy Theories make Kurt a very valuable member of our team! He also works as a Historical Tour Guide at the famous Beall-Dawson House, Rockville USA. He also gives many other Historical Tours in the D.C. area.

Maurice Gunnery {BTWN UK}

300x300CEG60EUN [www.imagesplitter.net]Maurice ‘Moe’ Gunnery is our resident Tech Geek here in Liverpool, UK and he is also the other main Presenter on our weekly VidCast, but his main strength is knowledge of the gadgets and equipment needed for any investigation. He also has a very keen interest in photography and has a natural talent in finding that perfect ‘captured-image’ picture.

Aaron O’Rourke {BTWN UK}

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Aaron is our Lead Investigator of our BTWN UK Team and has the nose of a Blood-Hound when investigating, weather it is a Paranormal or Conspiracy related topic. Instrumental in booking the right guests and very credible ones too (Dr Ciaran O’Keefe being just one). Very open minded but never afraid to call it like it is and shows guts when those controversial, hard-hitting questions need to be asked.

Steven ‘Hunter-Gather’ Foy {BTWN UK}

20150701_132257Steven Foy is our ‘Hunter-Gather’ on all things Conspiracy. Researches every possible angle into finding the truth even when it all leads seem lost. Has a natural talent of reading between the lines when studying ‘Official’ reports and is relentless when doing so. He is also BTWN’s Media Manager & Investigator, responsible for our sites like BTWN BlogTalk & YouTube and our Social Media sites.


Our most valuable team members are, of course, you guys! Without your interest in what we do and what we provide for you, none of this would be possible! So our biggest ‘Thank You’ to all of you! Keep spreading the word, share your experiences and always question authority! 


Research & Investigate


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