Keep Paranormal Real!

I am in a unique position within the world of paranormal. I can clearly see the separation between the entertainment industry and what is truly paranormal. There is a war going on and I believe paranormal investigators should fight back and take control over what is real and what is fantasy. In my case, I am dealing with two mega-industries. First, the movie industry wants to make True Haunting into a film. Really? The answer so far is no. In my third year of negotiating, I still have no trust in how they will distort our story. Though they have plenty of room for imaging, it is almost insisted that things be added simply because they want to add something new. I am not so naïve that I believe it should be a documentary, but there is a line that separates paranormal from fantasy Facebook-20150628-023557and I would like not to cross it. So $2000 in legal bills and an agreement has yet to be made.  Then comes my book itself. I found in publishing the sequel that traditional publishers are purchasing self publishing companies. The very reason I self published was to put forth exactly what Marsha and I experienced. Now when publishing a sequel containing the experiences of my tenants, I find that my self-publishing company now is forcefully suggesting changes! “Up the chill factor” they say! I say ‘bullshit!’  On to a publisher that respects my freedom. I will skip TV, because I saw the youtube video where things were being thrown onto the set and filmed as propelled by ghosts. All ratings.

I could write on and on, but I hope my point is made. No truth will come from the entertainment industry. The last author I helped was so excited that she was accepted by a traditional publisher giving her a small advance. First, the advance is just that. They keep the royalties until the advance is met, so in effect, it is a payday loan. Second, they get certain rights to her work. Third, they suggest changes for commercial purposes. Fourth, to keep the book at a size that they believe is economical to produce they deleted 25% of her original manuscript.  Finally, they will not allow the e-book sold less than $9.99, which I find absurd, especially for a new author.  PSSSSST! Hey authors, do you not realize that movie companies HATE dealing with traditional publishers and self published books have outperformed traditional publishers for the last decade at the box office? Okay, where do investigators come in? I believe the investigators [professionals not ghost hunters] should take a larger part in publishing their work. I would like to read case studies of real paranormal encounters. Instead of hearing random EVP’s, I would like attempts made at truly exploring the boundaries of communication. Who are you? What is it like where you are? Are there others present? Are you there of your own free will? Can you leave this location? [Hey, if that answer is yes….run like hell]  Are we sharing the same space? If not, is it light or dark where you are? Is there time? How long must you stay there? Do you feel emotion? Happiness? Sadness? Fear? Loneliness?  Why can’t I see you? Is there energy I can feed you? Do you believe in God?  How long must you stay in this form? Why? Were you offered to go to the light? If/so, Why did you stay? Can I help you? Would you like to be a guest on “Beyond the White Noise?”

As a radio host, if my guest were a ghost, my questions would be educational and endless.
In the past 45 years, I have seen little change in how real paranormal knowledge has progressed. I personally am not a fan of technology and believe if you are wearing body monitors, [pulse, temp] and aware of your senses, your body will make you aware of a presence.  Believe me, when encountering a strong entity, your fight or flight instinct is triggered before you are even aware of it. Hence the pulse. Then add the technology. I would like to see investigators get serious and break barriers and not be satisfied seeing a shadow, or hearing a static like voice. I personally believe that these shadow figures could materialize if one remains resident and allows them to build energy. I truly believe that the responsibility of keeping paranormal real and breaking barriers falls on the shoulders of investigators. Finally put your findings out there for the public to read. I am currently working on “The Becker Detector” It will analyze the total atmosphere. It will sense the temperature, barometric pressure, electrical microns, humidity, air movement, light variations, oxygen variances, and more. If an entity is sensed, it will trigger a flashing light, sirens and strobes, with lasers pointing to the exact position of the presence. The current problem is my prototype weighs 1700 pounds! Yeah……lol. 

Investigators, take the lead. Tell your story and push the barriers. Start thinking outside the box. Easy for me to say, because most honestly, I lack the courage to enter a zoo where the animals are invisible.


– By Edwin F. Becker {}

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